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IELTS computer technology essay B9e8ffd8607e2764
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IELTS computer technology essay B9e8ffd8607e2764
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 IELTS computer technology essay

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Bài gửiTiêu đề: IELTS computer technology essay   IELTS computer technology essay I_icon_minitimeSun May 24, 2015 11:11 am

IELTS computer technology essay
Cùng luyện thi IELTS với trung tâm anh ngữ RES nhé!

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computer technology. It is used in business, crime detection and even to fly planes. What will it be used for in future? Is this dependence on technology a good thing or should we be suspicious of its benefits?

As we move into the twenty-first century, it is clear to see that we have become more and more dependent on computers and information technology. This technology now reaches into almost every area of our lives and it is easy to predict that this phenomenon is only going to grow. My personal belief is that this presents a variety of dangers.

It is highly likely that in the future there will be comparatively few aspects of our lives that will not be influenced by computer technology. The probability is that it will control more and more forms of communication, transforming fields such as education and business when video-conferencing platforms become more stable. It might even affect romance with more people forming relationships online.
[B]XEM THÊM : [url] http://res.vn/luyen-thi-ielts/de-thi-ilets-dap-an/ielts-computer-technology-essay.html [/url]

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