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IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor B9e8ffd8607e2764
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IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor B9e8ffd8607e2764
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 IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor

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IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor   IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor I_icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2015 11:46 am

IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor

Đề thi IELTS này mang tính thời sự lắm nhé. Các bạn làm thử xem thế nào.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.

Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialised countries which the main difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such as education, health and commerce. Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system and a weak international trade. This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.

Most of the African countries live in sub-human conditions because of the extreme poverty, upheaval, hunger, disease, unemployment, lack of education and both inexperienced and corrupt administrations. The devastating consequences of the AIDS epidemic in those countries could improve if the infected population were to receive free drugs to control the disease, have access to health professionals and get information on how to prevent its spread.

XEM THÊM : [url] http://res.vn/luyen-thi-ielts/de-thi-ilets-dap-an/ielts-essay-topic-rich-countries-should-help-the-poor.html [/url]

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IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor
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