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IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties? B9e8ffd8607e2764
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IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties? B9e8ffd8607e2764
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 IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties?

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IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties? Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties?   IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties? I_icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 11:08 am

IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties?

Chủ đề này khá thú vị đấy nhé. Các bạn cùng thử học IELTS với RES xem!

Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Throwing parties can be expensive. While some people do not find these fancy parties worth what they cost, others believe parties are important to both individuals and the society.

People choose to throw parties for a number of reasons. For starters, parties can make better teams. Project kick-off parties are good opportunities to break the ice and help team members to know each other better. Victory parties create a sense of success and belonging. Companies do not see parties as wastes of money and allocate budget to support such events. Moreover, parties often leave good memories. From our own experiences, we all have happy memories of our birthday parties when we were little.

XEM THÊM : [url] http://res.vn/luyen-thi-ielts/de-thi-ilets-dap-an/ielts-essay-topic-should-people-spend-a-lot-on-weddings-and-birthday-parties.html [/url]

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- IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties?: http://res.vn/de-thi-ilets-dap-an...

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IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties?
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